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Author Topic: Atomic Instrument Co power supplies for the S 12!
Posts: 22
Post Atomic Instrument Co power supplies for the S 12!
on: April 30, 2014, 14:06

Atomic Instrument Co. is a new company that is building high quality power supplies for vintage consoles. I had coffee with the owner last week and he said that they would gladly build a PS for the Harrison. You guys should check this out.

Posts: 78
Post Re: Atomic Instrument Co power supplies for the S 12!
on: April 30, 2014, 14:43

Hi Craig!

Mmm that sounds interesting thanks!

Those old SMPS used for the S12 are really noisy like hell, they throw lots of garbage on the power line.

I would consider an upgrade if its even better than going full linear... I guess his stuff uses SMPS's... which some say are capable to be better than linear nowadays... but while being as expensive.

I'm always afraid to add even more SMPS's to the studio though...

Does he also know that the S12 is powered by several PS's, with a lot of voltages ?
Might get even more expensive, no ?

Anyone else interested ?


Posts: 45
Post Re: Atomic Instrument Co power supplies for the S 12!
on: May 21, 2014, 14:07

I'm always interested in upgrading this beauty :D
Though I have to move the studio first - after that I have to earn some money but when I've done that, I'll be upgrading Harry for sure (PSU and might take Shawns channels into consideration)


Posts: 22
Post Re: Atomic Instrument Co power supplies for the S 12!
on: May 28, 2014, 19:10

He knows what a Harrison is and how much power it takes. It's not that different from an SSL. All you have to do is let them know what you need and they will build it.

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