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Author Topic: Electrolytic recap
Posts: 62
Post Electrolytic recap
on: June 27, 2016, 09:12


As I'm about to replace the electrolytics on all my channels, looking at the big task ahead I felt I'd better investigate as much as possible about which caps are in the audio path and which brand/model I think sounds the best. As I'll be doing the work myself the extra work or extra cost for high end caps isn't a problem. Hard to predict, but looking at how the trade evolves and also my age, I guess I could be looking at 8-12 more years of using this console, so doing this properly would not only be worth it but also make it more likely to stay OTB the years ahead.

I've already compared three boards, stock electrolytics, Panasonic FM and Elna SILMIC II. Not a night and day difference but I did like the Elnas the best. Discovering the difference I decided to give a couple of Nichicon caps, the blue KA and the gold FG, a shot too before deciding.

I also bought a couple of boards from Shawn, mainly to test his eq mod. So a lot of testing ahead! Will keep you updated :-)

Posts: 78
Post Re: Electrolytic recap
on: June 29, 2016, 08:31

Very impressive Paul !

Thanks for sharing this, and please keep us informed on what you find sounds the best in the end ! :-)

Posts: 45
Post Re: Electrolytic recap
on: August 10, 2016, 12:13

Paul what Maikol said - very impressiv and thanks for posting it. One day I'll have to do the same stuff and I'm absolutely no tech so I'm really thankful for all the stuff you guys are posting. Whenever you guys are in Switzerland knock on my door and we'll have good glas of wine or whatever suits your tastes!

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