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Author Topic: randomly flashing lights in the master section
Posts: 45
Post randomly flashing lights in the master section
on: September 23, 2021, 20:58

I get these flashing lights (automation buttons and some strange signs in the displays/8 segment displays) Does anyone have an idea where I could search for info regarding that stuff? I measured the PSU with 5.1V and 14V (that seems a bit high) ... any other idea? I'm pretty lost and most of all I have no clue about this stuff
(my tech does though but he's searching right now)

Any help is very appreciated!

Posts: 45
Post Re: randomly flashing lights in the master section
on: September 25, 2021, 18:20

Problem solved (I think)

Here's what I did: The chips on the central section mainboard get quite a bit of heat over the years. So some moved out of their sockets. I re-seated them with a gentle push into their sockets and the console worked flawlessly for 2 hours. I hope it stays that way and I'll certainly find out this week ...

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