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Author Topic: Contro surface motherboards and bus connectors wanted - and ideas for random signs in the displays over the faders
Posts: 45
Post Contro surface motherboards and bus connectors wanted - and ideas for random signs in the displays over the faders
on: October 7, 2021, 21:50

Hi guys
does anybody know where I could get 4 surface motherboards (Series12 panel mbd connectorboard 10622-2-A). My displays/switches in the centre section are acting up a bit and we try to exclude problem areas. So my tech decided to replace all IC sockets on the motherboards. If we could get some replacements, we could try em or do the resoldering/socket replacement with those while the console is still in use. The guys who took my 2nd console apart didn't take out those motherboards on the bottom of the surface ...
If anybody has an idea what causes some random signs in the displays above the faders, feel free to suggest ideas...

I attache some photos of the data bus connectors and end termination of that data bus (between those motherboards). Any idea where I could get those?

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