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Author Topic: Computer / Software help needed
Posts: 1
Post Computer / Software help needed
on: February 3, 2014, 10:02

I recently got a job in a studio where a Serie 12 was used. But the linked Mac II VX crashed and we can't use it anymore, moreover its hard drive is definitively unreadable.
Consequently we've lost the computer and the software to use our Serie 12.
An Apple specialist suggests me to use a Mac Quadra 650 which is more powerfull..
Will it be ok/compatible with the Serie 12?

The second problem is that I don't have access to a Serie 12 Control Software installer anymore. How can i deal with it? I didn't find any link all over the web about this program so even with a working computer and a new hard drive i'll still be unable to use the mixer..

Thanks guys for your help, having a Serie 12 not working only because of the computer is such a lost. Hope you can help me to hear its sound at least one time!


Posts: 62
Post Re: Computer / Software help needed
on: February 8, 2014, 10:55

Hi Amaury and welcome!
Sorry for the slow response.

I have to start with the obvious backup?
Then, what's really wrong with the computer? If it's only the hard drive, you'll be able to replace. I think you should be able to source a used HD for the VX, otherwise Harrison have them. You need 2 or 4 Gb.

You could try the Quadra but I've been informed that the only compatible is VX or FX. I have a spare FX here, but with insufficient RAM. The FX uses a unique kind of RAM unfortunately so you can't move the RAM simms from your VX over to a FX unfortunately. Remember you should have around 20Mb RAM. If you can source RAM for the FX I could sell it really cheap, but shipping is costly.

Now to the more delicate question... Do you have any kind of backup of the software, especially the CONFIG files? Those files are unique for your system, matched to work with your specific hardware configuration. So if I'd send my config files to you, it wouldn't work. If you don't have those I can't think of any other solution than to contact Harrison to get new CONFIG files, specially programmed to work with your setup. At least that is what I've been told.

Sad to hear about this problem. Could be a tough one. A reminder to us all to keep backups of the Harrison software and config files.

Keep us updated.


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