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Author Topic: Welcome!
Posts: 77
Post Welcome!
on: June 23, 2013, 12:46

Dear Harrison Series 12 lovers,

Welcome to this website and forums dedicated to the great Harrison Series 12 mixing consoles!

This is the place to discuss everything related with those beauties.

You should register to this website, as:

Registering is easy!

  • - Click on the "Sign In" link in the upper right corner of any page, then click "Register" in the pop-up window.
  • - Choose your login and enter your email address.
  • - After a few minutes, you should receive an email with a temporary password.
  • - Go ahead and log in, via that same "Sign In" link you find on every page.

Once you've logged in, you will be able to change your password, add a picture for your account, some biographical information, a link to your website, ...all of this can be added and changed via "My Settings" in your personal menu, that you will find in the upper right corner of every pages.

It allows you to post in the forums

Once you're registered and logged in, you can post replies and new subjects in our forums.

It allows you to let comments and to submit articles

Registering also allows you to propose articles for the growing article base of this community, and lets you add comments on every articles.
If you wish to submit an article, simply click, once you're logged in, on the "Add Post" link you'll find in your personal menu, and follow the instructions!

Please everyone keep it calm and nice! ;)

Hope you'll like this website and find it useful!


Posts: 62
Post Re: Welcome!
on: June 26, 2013, 16:02

Again, Thank You Maikol for all the work with the new place. Looks great!
How many of the old group have registered?

Posts: 77
Post Re: Welcome!
on: June 27, 2013, 12:33

Hi Paul!

Thanks for the kind words!

So far we are 4 from the old group, so still a number to go! ;-)

Posts: 9
Post Re: Welcome!
on: January 8, 2015, 12:41

Thanks for creating this site, i've just signed up!

Posts: 77
Post Re: Welcome!
on: January 8, 2015, 12:50

Welcome Jeremy, and thanks for the kind words!

Hope you'll find the S12 of your dreams too... ;-)


Pages: [1]
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