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Author Topic: Computer down.. recapping
Posts: 62
Post Computer down.. recapping
on: June 14, 2021, 20:44

My Apple IIvx died two weeks ago. I felt proud that I foresaw that this could happen and early on got a back up vx computer from eBay, so I collected it from the basement, moved all parts needed over from the broken one and it worked...for like 10 hours... Quickly got yet another one on eBay and it has behaved well since last Thursday. Keep my fingers crossed that it'll continue to behave...
Feeling the need for having a back up computer again, while waiting for the computer to arrive I googled for Apple II-series restoration. Found that there's a community, I guess more like collectors than users, that put effort in trying to keep these old computers alive.. I was especially impressed by this guy in Australia:
I'm sure there are others as good as he, but his videos are great and via microscope you can see the technique he is using to remove the old caps and other restoration. I've soldered and built quite a lot of stuff but never dared to touch computer motherboards, but this made me feel confident about it. So...this guy says most often it's the capacitors that fails and a recap often bring the machine back to life. If it doesn't help you have to diagnose further and I guess you need special tools for that. But I've just recapped my two faulty motherboards and will soon reassemble and see if at least one of the computers will work again.
When buying my back up computer 10 years ago I also bought a couple of used PSUs. When troubleshooting last week I tried those first to see if the PSU was the problem, but it didn't help. Now I've started to take apart one of my PSUs to see if I'll be able to recap that too.

I'll be back soon and tell how it works out...but for now I just want to alert everybody and remind you that the computers used with our desks are crucial, if they break we can't use the desk, and the computers are 30 years old now and the caps are starting to leak, on my boards 2-3 caps per board showed clear signs. At first the computers will break but if you wait further the leakage will start to destroy the motherboard. As mentioned recapping the motherboards is fairly easy, took me 1,5 hour per board as I worked very slowly. PSU seems a bit harder as the components are more crammed, but should be doable too. So don't wait - start to plan for this restoration before it's too late!

Posts: 62
Post Re: Computer down.. recapping
on: June 27, 2021, 21:04

Not much traffic here..but an update anyway..:-) The recap brought back one of my two faulty motherboards back to life

Posts: 45
Post Re: Computer down.. recapping
on: September 23, 2021, 20:48

Oh Lord!!! Paul you rock!

Posts: 45
Post Re: Computer down.. recapping
on: November 13, 2022, 16:42

Dear Paul

today I got the same experience as you: my main Mac is down and all 3 spare Macs don't power up. Do you have some idea where my tech could search fro solutions? We don't have any schematics so we're pretty deep in the dark. I already contacted those people from Australia but I don't know if they're still in business or if they work on a Mac from Switzerland - I'm looking for help ;)
If you wan't to reach me directly: +41 79 678 20 81 or

sometimes life sucks ...

Posts: 78
Post Re: Computer down.. recapping
on: November 14, 2022, 07:48

Hi Jo !

Sorry to read that you're in trouble with your Mac II's. :-(

I remember a guy near Paris called Christian who was specializing in bringing back old macs to life. Haven't heard from him in years, but who knows, maybe he's still around and active. I'll email you the email address and phone number I have, hope he can do something for you!


Posts: 45
Post Re: Computer down.. recapping
on: November 14, 2022, 22:38

Maikol - you Rock!

Posts: 45
Post Re: Computer down.. recapping
on: November 17, 2022, 11:08

Guys if you ever need a guy who works on ancient Macs, I got the right guy for you. He's a nerd and lives in Switzerland!
My Mac was up and running within 2 hours - he'll get one of my spare Macs running also and he'll rebuild both PSU. I even get a refurbished one on top of that. This will make 3 running Macs in Switzerland! Yesterday was a good day!

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