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Author Topic: control surface problem
Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 8, 2013, 20:22

I have the same configuration and probably the same PSU as you (Astec LPT62)

Today I did start the right side of the CS. For this I turned off the Mac, then I erased the code CS then rebooted the Mac.
The right part of the CS has started but not the left side ... I tried everything without result.
I measured the voltages on the two parts of the SC.
4.70v and about 14v (for 12V)
I set the 5v to 5.05V.
12v is mounted to 15v (12v is not adjustable. This is the 5v adjustment that regulates 12v)
I have substantially the same voltage on both side of the CS
One works, the other does not ...
On the not working side, today I had a lot of error message
many crash
Error code reception ...

Tomorrow I'll do other tests.

Does anyone have Peter Clark email ?

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 8, 2013, 20:58

Ok! What I've learned is that the 12V side of the PSU changes a little when trimming the 5V side, but it should always stay around 12-13V. The processors/cards don't like to see more than that. The 12V side has some kind of built in limit in the circuit stopping it from going over 15V, I guess to protect stuff. So even with my little knowledge I have to say it really has to be a problem with the PSU.

I don't know much about those codes though.

Edit: BTW, wonder why they didn't set the limit to 13V instead?..:-/

Edit 2: I recently heard that Pete is not working for Harrison anymore, instead working as tech at some studio in the London area. Don't know if it's true, so I guess I have to check soon.

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 9, 2013, 09:54

Did you order a new PSU yet? ;-)

Found out partially what those error codes means:
ILOP: Illegal operation (not by user, but within the software=bug/crash=something is not working properly, which you already know...)
BFL (or BFLT): Bus fault, more or less the same as above

Posts: 45
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 6, 2013, 21:39

Hey Pasquale

the PSU is called Astec LPT62 - did I get that right? I got the same problem as you right now :D
Gwyn's first reaction was: it's probably the PSU …

Welcome to the wonderful land of Harrison Consoles :D


Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 10, 2013, 14:38

Hello everyone,
I 've been very busy lately , I have not had much time to move on my problem.
I changed the power supply in the control surface, but this has not solved the problem.

Yes Jo , my PSU are Astec LPT62

I thought I had a problem of processor board but I put the processor card in the other part of the control surface and it is working properly ...
I changed my Hi speed serial cable without result ...

This week I will try to spend more time to find a solution.

I discovered another problem on my Harrison.
I have a router with 255 in, 255 out .
The rack from the bottom that switches 32x8 , 8x8 , Listen fied among other things does not work ...
When I scroll through the menu on the router / monitor rack CPU (green button ) it sometimes shows 255 x 255 I / O but often 255 x 191 I / O

This is the same serial cable that sends data to the router and the control surface. Maybe there is a link ?
This week I will try to control the nubus card that manages it.


Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 10, 2013, 23:57

Hi Pasquale,
really sad to hear that your problems remain. Even though I'm pretty sure that the PSU replacement didn't do any harm.

I'm not sure, but I don't believe I have a router like yours so unfortunately can't advice.

The only thing I come to think about, because you had that replaced PSU measuring a bit off - Did you measure all the other PSUs and racks too? I believe it's pretty crucial that you have the right voltage everywhere to make the system work properly.

I see now that you were the one initially bringing the information that the name of the PSU is Astec LPT62. Great info. Thanks. I'll check my spare/leftover PSUs to see if it's the same model and let you all know.

I keep my fingers crossed that you'll have a break soon. Good luck Pasquale. Speak soon.

Posts: 45
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 13, 2013, 11:39

Hey Pasquale

regarding that PSU issue - you really have to make sure you get the right voltage to the IC … (info from Gwyn and PC) - I have no clue about this stuff ... Gwyn might help us out here :D

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 13, 2013, 19:22

I agree Jo. The 5V side is the side that is possible to trim and it has to be set properly, and the 12V side should adapt a little when trimming, but should always stay somewhere 12-13V, otherwise it's probably a bad PSU. We discussed that above and I believe Pasquale got it and I get the feeling he knows more than many of us... :-)
Anyway I just checked my broken PSU and want to confirm it's an Astec LTP62. Thanks for the heads up on this!
Wonder if it's hard to get it to work properly again?.. What part/component is most likely to fail, where to start looking etc etc?
I'll do a little research and report back if I find something!

Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 13, 2013, 21:37

Some news.
Yesterday I verified many things on my processor card in the control surface.
I checked and rechecked the power supply , 5v properly adjusted , changed the power supply, again , changed the drivers for serial communication , dynamic RAM, static RAM, etc ...
Controlled the NuBus cards, reversed the NuBus cards, changed the serial cables ...
Nothing starts the control surface...
I had no more idea .
By late afternoon there was a loud noise like an explosion coming from the control surface.
The first four channels of the control surface are extinguished ...
Another power supply had fallen down ... which was controlling the first four channels.
Tired and despairing I went to bed ...
This morning I started by changing the power supply of the first four channels of the control surface and then Miracle .
The first four channels are turned on and the control surface has started.
I have verified several times, I am not mistaken.
I looked for a link between the two power supply without finding anything.
I still have not figured out how to change the power supply of the first four channels has solved the problem of cpu .
Maybe a parasite generated? both PSU are very near to each other.
I do not understand.
Throughout the day, the control surface functioned properly.
I cross my fingers that it still works tomorrow ......

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: November 13, 2013, 22:20

You replaced the PSU for Channel 1-4, correct? Did you put a new or used PSU in?
Keeping my fingers crossed here too that it'll keep working!

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