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Author Topic: control surface problem
Posts: 11
Post control surface problem
on: October 5, 2013, 12:14

Sorry for my poor English ...
I'm new to the forum.
I'm in France in Angers.
I saved from the landfill a Harrison Series 12 with 72 inputs, 48 faders, 24 bus, 8 aux, film monitors.
I am trying to install it in our new studio.
I did some tests before installing it and everything seemed to work correctly.
In recent days, I have a problem initializing my control surface.
The display of the control surface, tells me:
D: 4098
And number move up D: 450472 times less ...
And sometimes I get the message:
ILOP00203A44 or another number ...
Someone would have an idea where to start?

Another question:
How to change the name that appears on the control surface when she started to put the name of our studio instead?

I think there will be many more questions to come ...
Thank you for your help.

Posts: 78
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 5, 2013, 12:28

Hello Pasquale and welcome here! :-)

You cannot change yourself the name that appears on your desk, you'll have to ask to Harrison to do that for you (I think it has to go with the software licence of your particular desk).

About the control surface boot : did you try to delete it's code ?
Here's how to do it :
- Hold both the red and green buttons near the CS's dislpay, then press the small reset switch next to them (you'll need a pen or a screwdriver to reach it).
- The display should ask "Run Monitor?"
- Press the red button to say "No"
- It should then ask "Delete Code?"
- Answer "Yes" by pressing the green button
- It should say "Code Deleted", and should then reload the whole CS code from the mac

Does this solve your problem ?

If you want, you can send me an email at maikol (a-t) maikol (d-o-t) fr, we can then write (or talk on the phone) in french ;-)

All the best,

Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 5, 2013, 13:22

Thanks Maikol

I already tried that without result ...

I sent you an email


Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 6, 2013, 09:34

Hi and welcome Pasquale!
I'm sure Maikol will help you, and you guys can speak in your mother tongue and all.

Just curious - Did you manage to do the whole reset routine that Maikol descrided above?

Also, have you tried different power up sequences? My system seems to work best starting up 1 Mac, 2 CS, 3 Channel racks, 4 monitor rack

Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 6, 2013, 19:56

Hi Paul,
Thank you.
Yes I tried the reset routine without result ...
I tried to start the Mac first and then the control surface and then monitor Channel racks and rack without result.
I tried in a different order without result ...
I tested the power suplie
Changed Static and Dynamic Ram
Maikol think the problem could come from NuBus cards. I will try to reverse it after having reversed the ROM ...
No other ideas?

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 7, 2013, 07:45

I'm afraid I'm not an expert at all.
But you had it working for a while?
Also, I guess your CS is divided in two or more pieces? Do you have the same problem on both halves?
I'm having the same problem with my CS (on one side) the code stopped loading and one half of the CS lit up like a Christmas tree. Happened more and more for a while. But was always possible to fix w a simple reset (one push on the little black button by the display underneath the faders), until a day it stuck. First it was stuck for approx 5 minutes until it suddenly loaded code (did you try waiting?). Then longer and longer. Measured the voltage coming into the proc board underneath and it measured pretty off. So replaced that PSU inside the CS (akward...). There are a few as you may have seen. After replacement it behaved better for a while but now it seems to be back in the first state (stopping loading code - lighting up - easy fix with a simple reset) so I guess I'll have to get back measuring.

Are you on 220V or 110? Pete mentioned there seems to be less issues w CS running 110. Mine is on 110 btw. All other PSUs on 220.

Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 7, 2013, 13:22

Hi Paul,
when I got the console, I had the same problem as you.
One of the two parts of the SC does not start properly.
Some reset and the problem was solved.
Sometimes if I wait and do nothing, the code ended up charging.
Since I moved the console, both part of CS worked properly.
I have not started the CS for a month 'cause we were in the cabling.
Since I'm trying everything. I can not get started.
I tried to wait for several hours without result ...
I am on 220v
Tomorrow I return to the studio, I could do some testing.

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 7, 2013, 16:37

Well, then it sounds exactly as my situ. Instead of 5V I had less than 1V and instead of 12V I had around 2V. A clear sign that the PSU was getting bad. That was before the card 'woke up'. Then the 5V was ok but the 12V was around 15V. After replacing the PSU things have been ok, though it still refuses code sometimes. Spare parts are not cheap but hopefully you have the same problem as me and not something more difficult to find/solve. BTW, could be a good idea to measure all of those PSUs inside the CS. Good luck!

Posts: 11
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 7, 2013, 20:59

Yes I first thought of a power problem. So I measured the voltages and I set the 5v (it was a little low 4.70v)
This has not solved the problem.
Tomorrow I'll do other tests.

Posts: 62
Post Re: control surface problem
on: October 8, 2013, 10:23

Ok... Did you measure the 12V at the input of the proc card too?

BTW, my CS has two mains inputs. I believe those are then splitted and feeding a number (perhaps 8-10) of small (like 20x10x5cm) PSUs sitting just inside the backpanel of the CS.

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