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Author Topic: Graphic slave 0 has not responded
Posts: 45
Post Graphic slave 0 has not responded
on: April 2, 2015, 13:03

Hey Guys

bad news from Switzerland. Last day before holiday and Harry gets me this message:

Graphic slave 0 has not responded - please save your work and restart your computer.

Do guys have any idea what it is? - What is "Graphic slave 0"? Is it that little green box inbetween the video drawer and the touch screen or is it a card inside the Mac?
Any help is greatly appreciated

Take care


Posts: 77
Post Re: Graphic slave 0 has not responded
on: April 2, 2015, 15:55

Hi Jo !

That might sound strange, but can you try to trash the "slates" file in the Harrison folder ?

I remember having messages like this when that file became too big for the old mac to handle, giving longer and longer times when opening the slate keyboard window on the touchscreen.

Hope that helps and that you are all well ! :-)


PS : check here for the whole story :

Posts: 45
Post Re: Graphic slave 0 has not responded
on: April 2, 2015, 20:54

Hey Maikol

thanks for the tip - I got Harry working again. I dunno really what happened. My wild guess would be a bad cable... I'll keep an eye on this stuff.

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